Municipalities cannot find gas suppliers - BV
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Municipalities cannot find gas suppliers

120 municipalities in the Netherlands (gemeente) are having difficulty securing new contracts for the supply of natural gas. Gas prices are rising, suppliers are reluctant...

120 municipalities in the Netherlands (gemeente) are having difficulty securing new contracts for the supply of natural gas. Gas prices are rising, suppliers are reluctant to take on new obligations.

The reason for the difficulties is the sanctions imposed against Russia for aggression in Ukraine. Contacts with the Russian supplier Gazprom have been banned since October 10, 2022, and out of 344 municipalities in the Netherlands, 120 had contracts with this particular supplier. The search for a new supplier is difficult, as the supply on the gas market is reduced due to high prices.

Municipalities announce tenders for gas supplies, but there are almost no offers to participate in them. If contracts are not signed in time, there will be difficulties with heating public buildings: town halls, museums, swimming pools, etc.

Contracting problems have already been reported by the province of Friesland and 17 of its 18 municipalities, as well as the municipality of Twente in the province of Overijssel. It is expected that as gas tenders are announced, the number of problem municipalities will increase. MPs suggest the government to intervene in the situation and take part in the search for new gas suppliers.

Find out more Dutch news on our Online.

Publication date: 03.06.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX


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