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Dear Readers! A new calculation assistant has appeared on our site!

With its help, you will be able to calculate the approximate amount of the result for Box 3 of your 2020 annual return by completing the necessary step-by-step ...

With it, you will be able to calculate the approximate amount of the result for Box 3 of your 2020 annual return by filling out the necessary information step by step. You can use it completely free of charge at any time convenient for you.

The fact that the annual declaration of an individual in the Netherlands consists of three sections, and in the original source it is called Box, we already wrote 

Box 3 records taxable income from your savings and investments.

To do this, it is necessary to calculate the balances of the items reflected in this section as of January 1 of the reporting year. Once the amount of these balances exceeds a certain basic threshold (in 2020 it was 30 euros per person and 846 for two fiscal partners), the taxpayer must pay tax on the balance.

Assistant calculation is available at the link: https://www.nalog.nl/box3/

Please note that this calculator is indicative, but not the final calculation. To fill out the declaration correctly, if you have any questions about Box 3, we recommend contacting specialists 

And finally, the good news related to Box 3, which we have already written about 

For savings and investment income in 2021, a higher non-taxable border is defined - it is 50 euros for each tax partner. That is, two fiscal partners will be able to have savings and investments of 000 euros, which are not taxable. As a result, the number of small depositors and investors paying taxes on Box 100.000 will decrease by almost 3 million people.

Publication Date: 10.03.2021


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