Home Calculation of the holiday ...

Every company in the Netherlands is obliged to pay annual leave to its employees. But how much? And when? This page presents the calculation rules


Basic rules:

1) You pay   however 8%   of the total gross annual salary.

2) The gross annual salary is calculated from June 1st to May 31st.

3) You must pay your vacation pay before  1 of July.

4) If your employee leaves the job, you calculate the amount he is entitled to up to that point. You pay this amount immediately on the last payroll.

5) If an employee earns more than 3 times the minimum wage, you are not required to pay him vacation pay.


Full rules can be found in      The law              about minimum vacations.


Note: Rules may vary

The amount and month of payment can be determined in the collective agreement. So check to see if your industry's collective bargaining agreement contains holiday pay clauses. If your company is not bound by a collective bargaining agreement, you can enter into separate written agreements with your employees, but a minimum of 8% and an annual vacation allowance remain mandatory.



The employee Roman worked for a whole year. His gross monthly salary is 2500 euros. The standard rate of 8% applies to holiday payments for your company. Calculation of the holiday allowance for Roman:


Calculate the holiday pay for your situation:


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