Головна Загальне Change BTW-numbers of pri ...

Change BTW-numbers of private entrepreneurs

The fact that is about to change BTW-numbers for private entrepreneurs We already wrote and now it has begun! Our ...

Справа в тому, що is about to change BTW-numbers for private entrepreneurs We already wrote and now it has begun! Our customers began to receive letters with new numbers.

So, what is in these letters and what to do with the numbers? What is BTW-id і ob-nummer і як використовувати це?

Such letters will be received by all private entrepreneurs in the fall of this (2019) year. The letter will indicate two numbers btw-identificatienummer and omzetbelastingnummer. Since 2020 року, the first of them (btw-id) you will need to use for contacts with customers and business partners, and the second (ob-nummer) will remain for your contacts with the tax.

Ви будете потрібні для визначення BTW-id у ваших телефонах і на сайті, replacing it with your old BTW-number.

Це дає змогу збільшити confidentiality і захищати індивідуальні дані, тому що один BTW номер приватного юриста включає в себе citizen registration number (BSN – burgerservicenummer). The New VAT identification number (BTW-id) is as follows: country code – NL, 9 digits, letter “B” і 2-digit control number. Для прикладу: NL000099998B57.

And your current BTW number will now become your tax number – omzetbelastingnummer (ob-nummer), you will continue to used it when contacting tax authorities, for example, if you write a letter or call the tax.

Цей tax number is as follows: your citizen registration number with increase of B01, B02 and so on: 111234567B01.

Як ви можете, everything is simple. And all this with concern for protection your personal data. Досить приємно в бізнесі і не потрібні для здійснення змін до веб-сайту і для вас.

Дата публікації: 06.03.2020

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