Цяпер вы можаце плаціць tax return.
Вам не трэба працаваць у нашым офісе і здабываць дакументы, які зараз is available online.
Making the order will take you no more than 5 хвілін and help to avoid errors pri filling out documents.
Order a declaration right now. It's easy, fast and convenient:

• Select the desired service in the table below
• fill out an application

• сядзець на электронную пошту з confirmation of the application, link to pay for the service and list of documents required to fill at the tax return

• receive a notification of order registration

Вашы дакументы будуць выпісаныя, папярэджанне павінны быць аб'яднаны і мець на Tax Service ад сакавіка 1 да сакавіка 30.

Box 1
Income from work, benefits, pensions from the Netherlands + + + +
Зарабіце з працы, benefits, pensions з іншых краін - - - +
Income from tax-exempt international organizations - - - +
Income from other work - не entrepreneurship?
(Part-time freelance)
- - + +
Volunteer income?
(Above tax-free 170 per month and 1700 per year)
- - + +
Affiliate Alimony?
(To a former partner, not for children)
- - + +
Living in your own house?
(Including mortgage)
- - + +
Tax deductions?
(Study expenses, medical expenses, travel expenses for work, charity)
+ + + +
One-time payments?
(Redemption of the pension, liferent, life insurance, etc.)
- - - +
Settlements with your own BV?
(Loans, use of property, etc.)
- - - +
Income frome registered entrepreneurship (W form) Вам неабходна файл у tax return for entrepreneurs
Box 2
Зарабіце з dividends ці продажаў shares?
Вы павінны валодаць на адлегласці 5% ад агульнай сумы.
* Exception for box 2. Owners of 30% Ruling are required to show in the tax return only income from enterprises located in NL.
- - - +
Box 3
Savings on accounts, ownership of properties, contributions to funds, stocks, cryptocurrency and cash – непрыемнасць (у суме) не знішчае грошы?
(Including foreign): € 30,360 per persone or € 60,720 per family.
* Exception for box 3. Owners of 30% Ruling are required to show in the tax return only income from enterprises located in NL.
- - - +
Choose your tax return форма
Price includes VAT 21%
На чалавекаincluding children under 18 years old
Per familyfiscal partners + children under 18 years old
На чалавекаincluding children under 18 years old
Per familyfiscal partners + children under 18 years old
На чалавекаincluding children under 18 years old
Per familyfiscal partners + children under 18 years old
На чалавекаincluding children under 18 years old
Per familyfiscal partners + children under 18 years old
Форма P – для асоб, зарэгістраваных у Нідэрландах
Форма M – для асоб, registered in the Netherlands падчас ненаціскных reporting year
Form C – для асоб, якія былі зарэгістраваны цягам падчас інфармацыйнага года

Free - GratisFrom January to the end of April 2020 ды Nalog.nl volunteers will fill out declarations for customers with low annual income for free.

Калі ў вас ёсць:

• low income (less than 20 thousand per year person or less than 30 thousand per year per family with two adults)

• адна крыніца інфармацыі для людзей

• ня mortgage or real estate property.

• no savings

• не выкарыстоўваецца з investments in funds and securities (больш за 5% stocks, bonds)

Box 1
Income from work, benefits, pensions from the Netherlands +
Tax deductions?
(Study expenses, medical expenses, travel expenses for work, charity)
Income frome registered entrepreneurship (W form) Вам неабходна файл у tax return for entrepreneurs
Choose your tax return форма
Price includes VAT 21%
На чалавекаincluding children under 18 years old
Per familyfiscal partners + children under 18 years old
Форма P – для асоб, зарэгістраваных у Нідэрландах
Box 1
Income from work, benefits, pensions from the Netherlands +
Tax deductions?
(Study expenses, medical expenses, travel expenses for work, charity)
Income frome registered entrepreneurship (W form) Вам неабходна файл у tax return for entrepreneurs
Choose your tax return форма
Price includes VAT 21%
На чалавекаincluding children under 18 years old
Per familyfiscal partners + children under 18 years old
Форма P – для асоб, зарэгістраваных у Нідэрландах
Форма M – для асоб, registered in the Netherlands падчас ненаціскных reporting year
Form C – для асоб, якія былі зарэгістраваны цягам падчас інфармацыйнага года
Box 1
Income from work, benefits, pensions from the Netherlands +
Income from other work - не entrepreneurship?
(Part-time freelance)
Volunteer income?
(Above tax-free 170 per month and 1700 per year)
Affiliate Alimony?
(To a former partner, not for children)
Living in your own house?
(Including mortgage)
Tax deductions?
(Study expenses, medical expenses, travel expenses for work, charity)
Income frome registered entrepreneurship (W form) Вам неабходна файл у tax return for entrepreneurs
Choose your tax return форма
Price includes VAT 21%
На чалавекаincluding children under 18 years old
Per familyfiscal partners + children under 18 years old
Форма P – для асоб, зарэгістраваных у Нідэрландах
Форма M – для асоб, registered in the Netherlands падчас ненаціскных reporting year
Form C – для асоб, якія былі зарэгістраваны цягам падчас інфармацыйнага года
Складаная - Complex
Box 1
Income from work, benefits, pensions from the Netherlands +
Зарабіце з працы, benefits, pensions з іншых краін +
Income from tax-exempt international organizations +
Income from other work - не entrepreneurship?
(Part-time freelance)
Volunteer income?
(Above tax-free 170 per month and 1700 per year)
Affiliate Alimony?
(To a former partner, not for children)
Living in your own house?
(Including mortgage)
Tax deductions?
(Study expenses, medical expenses, travel expenses for work, charity)
One-time payments?
(Redemption of the pension, liferent, life insurance, etc.)
Settlements with your own BV?
(Loans, use of property, etc.)
Income frome registered entrepreneurship (W form) Вам неабходна файл у tax return for entrepreneurs
бокс 2
Зарабіце з dividends ці продажаў shares?
Вы павінны валодаць на адлегласці 5% ад агульнай сумы.
* Exception for box 2. Owners of 30% Ruling are required to show in the tax return only income from enterprises located in NL.
бокс 3
Savings on accounts, ownership of properties, contributions to funds, stocks, cryptocurrency and cash – непрыемнасць (у суме) не знішчае грошы?
(Including foreign): € 30,360 per persone or € 60,720 per family. * Exception for box 3. Owners of 30% Ruling are required to show in the tax return only income from enterprises located in NL.
Choose your tax return форма
Price includes VAT 21%
На чалавекаincluding children under 18 years old
Per familyfiscal partners + children under 18 years old
Форма P – для асоб, зарэгістраваных у Нідэрландах
Форма M – для асоб, registered in the Netherlands падчас ненаціскных reporting year
Form C – для асоб, якія былі зарэгістраваны цягам падчас інфармацыйнага года

Terms of the special offer

Free tax return filing
In 2020 ды we celebrate our 10 years anniversary! Усе гэтыя гады, павінны былі эфектыўна кіравацца і карыстацца нашымі кліентамі, якія прымаюць стаўкі.
We celebrate our anniversary with a special offer.
From January to the end of April 2020 ды Nalog.nl volunteers will fill out declarations for customers with low annual income for free.If you have:

  • low income (less than 20 thousand per year person or less than 30 thousand per year per family with two adults)
  • one source of income per person
  • ня mortgage or real estate property
  • няма эканоміі
  • no income from investments in funds and securities (больш за 5% of stocks, bonds)

Accompanying services

Часта задаваныя пытанні

If you live in the Netherlands, you automatically become taxable. However, this does not mean that you must file a tax return. If you have received a letter from the Tax Authorities with the so-called invitation to file a declaration, that means that you must file it, regardless of the expected result. If you have not received any letter from the tax office, but you think that you are entitled to a tax refund, take the initiative and file your declaration by yourself.

Tax authorities можа заплаціць грошы памерам ад 15 еўра. У той жа час, яны патрабуюць выдаткі толькі з 50 еўра. Такі сродкі, што і пасля працэсу вашай думкі вы павінны плаціць менш, чым 50 еўра ў дзяржаўную камінку, яны будуць прымаць яго.

If you were living in the Netherlands during the whole year (in this case it means that you should to be registered by the city hall at the place of residence during the whole reporting year) you should file a usual electronic declaration - form P. If you stayed in the Netherlands only a part of reporting year (you were registered or changed your registration during the reporting year), then you need form M. This form is usually filled out on paper. However, if you order it from us, we will send you an electronic version. The paper version can be requested from the Tax Authorities by phone or by usual post with a paper letter. It usually takes them a lot of time to send the form, about 6-8 weeks, that's why the deadlines for submitting tax reports for foreigners are 2 months later. If you were living abroad during the whole reporting year, but at the same time your are a Dutch taxpayer (you have income in the Netherlands), then you need to fill out form C, which can be found in both electronic and paper formats.

At the end of the day, there is no difference if you file your declaration separately or together with your partner. What is really important for calculations is if your partner can be called your fiscal partner or not. However, in some cases it is impossible to file a declaration together. For example, if one of the partners is a newcomer. In this case one of the partners needs form M and another one - form P. If both of the partners are newcomers, they both need to file form M separately. It is also not possible to submit a joint declaration if one of the partners is an entrepreneur. The reason is that entrepreneur must submit an extended declaration, which includes a report on the profits of the enterprise. In any case, regardless of whether you submit declaration jointly or separately, each of you will receive his or her own decision. Nevertheless, even if you file a declaration only from yourself, you should add an information about your partner, because the income and benefits of both partners influence each other.

The standard time period of submitting a declaration for 2020 is from March 1, 2020 to April 30, 2020 inclusive. If you do not have enough time to collect all the documents or for some reason can not submit a declaration on time, there is an option to request a 4 months deferral (ie until September 1, 2020). If you request a deferral through a tax consultant (for example, with the help of our company), you will receive a 12 months deferral (ie until May 1, 2021). Almost everyone has the opportunity to get a deferral, the main thing is to request it before April 30, 2020 ды and also not to be on the list of violators. For example, if during the previous three reporting years you have filed your declarations late twice, you will automatically fall into the list of violators and you will be denied a deferral. If the violation was only once in three years, your request will be granted. You can request a deferral starting from February 7, 2020.

There is no sense to submit a declaration before the beginning of the submitting period, since only from March 1 the Tax Authorities will get all the data from employers and banks. The declarations in the Netherlands are not proceeded in a usual order but by the BSN numbers of the declarants. This allows you to collect all the necessary documents calmly after getting the annual reports (Jaaropgaaf) from your employers. Pay attention, that even if you have worked only for one day or have been sick for at least one day, you should receive an annual report from the employer or a report on sick leave payment (UWV). Even such a small income should not be ignored in the declaration. After March 1 the tax office will have all the data about your income and only then we will be able to check all the data for you. Therefore, if you are not sure that you remember all your incomes, it makes sense to provide us with your DigID code. By law, the processing time for a declaration is three months. That's why the tax service promises to process all the declarations submitted on time before July 1, but in reality, it often goes differently. According to the same law, the processing period can be prolongate up to two years. Forms M and declarations containing many different tax deductions are usually processed especially long. After receiving a letter from the tax service with an approved result, the money will be credited to your account within a week, or vice versa, you will receive an invoice to pay the unpaid part of the tax. The standard income tax payment period is 6 weeks.

Калі вы атрымаеце дату ад транзакцыі, але нідзе не павінна быць прызначана пасля таго, што першая замена будзе мець вашу электронную пошту з папярэднім тэрмінам для філія латарэі, якая з'яўляецца звычайнай 1 месяц. Калі вы не заўважылі першыя паняцці, вы будзеце мець згоду на адзін з патрабаваннямі да файла для прызначэння ў 5 працоўных днях. У выпадку скасавання гэтага перыяду, вы будзеце мець прыдатны ад 226 да 4920 еўра для не абмінуць tax declaration або для апошніх абнаўленняў. У сувязі з тым, што з'яўляецца недастатковая плата будзе прымацца за плату за абслугоўванне, як добра, а інша добра, што трэба меркаваць аб тым, як я буду думати, што declaration after all. Ніякі траўны пенсійны турмы не penalty толькі для папярэдняй місіі declaration, але таксама для неадэкватных day in declaration, як і для выплаты tax not in time.

Калі вы спыняецеся пасля 30-га сакавіка, вы павінны патрабаваць новага declaration, папярэдняя адна будзе аўтаматычна знішчана. Калі вы спыняецеся error пасля сакавіка 30, а ў выніку да прыбытку ад трафіку, як у першую чаргу, толькі файл для новага прызначэння. Вы будзеце мець новы прыдатны эфект у якіх яны будуць several corrections, але неверагодна гэта будзе быць значным. Якщо вам зробіць шкоду пасля таго, як вы атрымалі вынік з трафіку, вы можаце змяніць declaration, але там ёсць асаблівы спосаб для гэтага, які павінны быць выдадзеныя з дапамогай юриста.

If you have an opportunity to receive a tax refund, we strongly recommend you to contact professionals. The tax legislation of the Netherlands is quite complicated and it will not be easy for a person without special education to do it by him (her) self. The amount you pay to a specialist for filing a declaration almost always pays off. The tax consultant will take into account all possible deductions, make the necessary optimization of your taxes, and also propose the correct distribution of the tax burden between partners. Additionally, he will tell you what are the other benefits or subsidies you can get. Our colleagues in Nalog.nl are always ready to help you to fill out any tax documents and provide the necessary information on all your questions.

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Што вы думаеце аб гэтым сайце? *

Мэта вашага звароту?

Ня ўводзіце ніякіх асабістых дадзеных, такіх як імя, нумар сацыяльнага страхавання або нумар тэлефона. Мы не адказваем на пытанні, каментары і скаргі, якія паступаюць праз гэтую форму.
