Residents of which countries are allowed visa-free entry to the Netherlands - BV

Residents of which countries are allowed visa-free entry to the Netherlands

Residents of which countries are allowed visa-free travel to the Netherlands?

Visa-free travel to the Netherlands and other Schengen countries is permitted for residents of the following 62 countries:

1 Albania
2 Australia
3 Andorra
4 Antigua and Barbuda
5 Argentina
6 Bahamas
7 Barbados
8 Bosnia and Herzegovina
9 Brazil
10 Brunei
11 Vanuatu
12 Vatican
13 Venezuela
14 East Timor
15 Guatemala
16 Honduras
17 Hong Kong
18 Grenada
19 Georgia
20 Dominica
21 Israel
22 Canada
23 Kiribati
24 Colombia
25 Costa Rica
26 Mauritius
27 Макао
28 Malaysia
29 The Marshall Islands
30 Mexico
31 Micronesia
32 Moldova
33 Monaco
34 Nauru
35 Nicaragua
36 New Zealand
37 United Arab Emirates
38 Palau
39 Panama
40 Paraguay
41 Peru
42 Salvador
43 Samoa
44 North Macedonia
45 Seychelles
46 St. Vincent
47 Saint KittsyNevis
48 St. Lucia
49 Serbia
50 Singapore
51 Соединенные Штаты Америки
52 Solomon Islands
53 Taiwan
54 Tonga
55 Trinidad and Tobago
56 Tuvalu
57 Ukraine
58 Uruguay
59 Montenegro
60 Chile
61 South Korea
62 Japan
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