Income requirements if you want to guarantee a short-term stay of a foreign national in the Netherlands
What should be your income if you want to guarantee the stay of the person you invited
By inviting someone to the Netherlands for up to 90 days
, you can act as its financial guarantor. This means that you will be fully financially responsible for the invitee. You will bear the costs of medical care, damage to someone else's property, deportation, and so on.
The guarantor can be
a citizen of the Netherlands, or a citizen of another country who has a residence permit in the Netherlands. To invite someone to the Netherlands on a visitor visa and / or become his financial guarantor, you must write an invitation “Bewijs van garantstelling en / of particuliere logiesverstrekking“.
The guarantor must meet the following conditions:
– Have a stable income for 12 months if you are an employee.
– If you work for yourself, then your company must have existed for at least 1,5 years at the time of applying for a short-term visa.
The income must be sufficient - not less than the minimum wage. Minimum wage level in 2021:
– monthly income without vacation pay 1701.00 €
– monthly income with vacation pay 1837,08 €.