Stay calculator
You can use this calculator to calculate the 90/180 days rule (permitted period of stay in the Schengen area for third-country nationals). The calculator does not support calculations if the period of permitted stay indicated on the visa is less than 90 days in a 180-day period, and does not take into account the validity of the visa. The calculator is an auxiliary tool and does not provide the right to stay for the period calculated with its help.
Therefore, holders of short-stay visas (category "C") must also check the validity of the visa and the permitted length of stay indicated on the visa.
How to use the calculator?
Entry dates are entered in the first column, departure dates are entered in the second. The third column displays the length of stay, which is filled in automatically by the calculator when you click the “Calculate” button. You must leave this column blank.
Entry / exit dates are entered in the 6-digit format “ddmmyy”. Pressing the "Tab" key on the keyboard allows you to move from one column to another.
If the screen displays three columns, it is not necessary to enter the entry and exit dates in chronological order, but the departure date must be paired with the corresponding entry date, otherwise the calculator displays the following message: Entry date dd / mm / yy is later than the exit date dd / mm / yy. The calculation of the length of stay is not possible. " the dates of entry and exit indicated in them into the calculator in accordance with the above procedure.
The "Passport" button allows you to enter the dates of entry and exit in a random chronological order.