Trial calculation - BV

Trial calculation

Trial calculation is a service that will help you when planning financial decisions. Based on the data provided, we will provide you with calculations and brief comments on them.

The service is provided on a full prepayment!

Ordering the “Test Calculation” service


Trial calculation for an individual

Checking the correctness of the taxes withheld by your employer based on your documents (Jaaropgave is required for the year in which the calculation is made: 2024, 2023 or 2022).

Analysis of your tax liabilities in the case of savings, assets or overseas property.

Analyze applicable tax credits and deductions to determine which ones you may qualify for.


Trial calculation for the Employer

Suitable for you if you are planning to hire employees and want to know in advance how much taxes will need to be paid on their salary.

The calculation will be performed in three versions.


Trial calculation for Entrepreneur

Suitable for you if you want to know what your financial result (profit/loss) will be from entrepreneurship in the current or planned year.

The calculation will be performed in three versions.


Trial calculation: EMZ or labor contract?

Suitable for you if you are faced with a choice between opening an EMZ and concluding an employment contract.

Based on a preliminary calculation, you can choose the most profitable option for you.


Test calculation: Complex tax cases

Suitable for you if you have stocks, savings and investments. Or you want to estimate the tax burden after the end of the ruling.


Trial calculation: Entrepreneur and mortgage

Suitable for you if you are already our client on an accounting subscription and are planning to take out a mortgage.

It takes three years to settle.

This service is only available to our accounting subscription clients.

“Test calculation” service for private individuals

Price: € 121


  • For an accurate calculation, an annual salary overview (Jaaropgave) is needed, as it includes full data on income and taxes for the year. Longstrokes only provide partial information and do not allow for all tax details to be taken into account.
  • The calculation does not take into account: the specific application of collective agreements of a specific industry (if any), mandatory contributions to the Pension Fund (if any), permanent/one-time compensation, for example, for transport, etc.
  • Please note that income from EMZ/VOF is not labor income and does not take part in this calculation.

“Test calculation” service for the employer

Price: € 121


  • The calculation does not take into account: the specifics of using CAO data in a specific industry (if any), mandatory contributions to the Pension Fund (if any), permanent/one-time compensation, for example, for transport, etc.
  • Calculation is carried out in annual/semi-annual rates/tariffs

“Test calculation” service for entrepreneurs

Price: € 240


  • Suitable for EMZ/VOF.
  • The calculation is carried out in the tariffs of the current year.

Service “Test calculation. EMZ or labor contract?

Price: € 363


  • The tax burden will be calculated based on the data provided and will be preliminary. If, at the end of the reporting period, additional income or expenses arise that were not taken into account in the calculation, the preliminary calculation data will be distorted.
  • The calculation does not take into account: the specifics of using CAO data in a specific industry (if any), mandatory contributions to the Pension Fund (if any), permanent/one-time compensation, for example, for transport, etc.
  • The calculation is carried out in the tariffs of the current year.

Service “Test calculation. Complex tax cases"

Price: € 429


  • Calculation is carried out in tariffs of the current year

Service “Test calculation. Entrepreneur and mortgage"

Price: € 290


  • This service is only available to our clients with an accounting subscription.
  • To make the calculation, we will need your annual returns for at least the last three years.
  • The calculation is carried out in the tariffs of the current year.
  • This service is not included in the cost of accounting services.

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