What is doorlopende machtiging and why is it convenient for you? - Nalog.nl BV
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What is doorlopende machtiging and why is it convenient for you?

We have requested a long-term power of attorney (doorlopende machtiging) for regular customers. This means that you will soon receive: ✉️ a paper letter...

We have requested a long-term power of attorney for our regular customers (doorlopende machtiging). This means that in the near future you will receive: ✉️ a paper letter from the tax office with a power of attorney, 📧 our e-mail with instructions on how to activate it.

What is doorlopende machtiging and why is it convenient for you?

Doorlopende machtiging (durable power of attorney) simplifies and speeds up the process of filing a tax return. By issuing a durable power of attorney, you will be sure that our company will promptly receive correct information on your declaration directly from the tax service. There will be no need to update the power of attorney annually, or wait for a letter with confirmation codes - unnecessary bureaucracy will disappear, and we will be able to support you in tax matters constantly, continuously and reliably.

If you plan to file your 2024 tax return, be sure to order at this link:

Order declaration 2024

You have received a letter with a power of attorney. What to do?

You received a letter from the tax office with the inscription Door opener machtiging? Excellent! You can activate the power of attorney by clicking on the following link and following the instructions:

Activate power of attorney

If you have any difficulties during the activation process, please write to us by email tax@nalog.nl, having first photographed the page of the letter with the power of attorney code.

If you do not plan further cooperation with us

It is important to know that you can simply ignore the paper letter with the power of attorney, and it will not be activated. You can also opt out of this power of attorney request in the future by filling out the form at link.

Thank you for trusting us!

Publication date: 16.01.2025/XNUMX/XNUMX



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