Entrepreneurs: You have received a letter from the tax office about the calculation of advance payments. What to do? - Nalog.nl BV
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Entrepreneurs: You have received a letter from the tax office about the calculation of advance payments. What should you do?

The Dutch Tax Authority has started sending entrepreneurs preliminary tax liabilities (Voorlopige Aanslag — "VA") for 2025. These liabilities are calculated based on...

The Dutch Tax Authority has started sending out preliminary tax statements (Voorlopige Aanslag – “VA”) to entrepreneurs for 2025.

These liabilities are calculated based on the information provided in your 2023 tax return. The provisional assessment is intended to spread tax payments evenly throughout the year and avoid large payments at the end of the tax period.

In the letter, the tax authority offers two payment options:

  1. Pay off the entire amount in one go.
  2. Divide the amount into 11 equal parts, with payment starting in February 2025.

According to tax legislation, it is impossible for entrepreneurs to cancel the preliminary assessment if it involves tax payable.

The exception is when the charges are related to the return of funds, for example, interest on a mortgage.

However, if the amount of income and tax liability for 2025 reported on the VA is higher than you expected, you have the right to make changes. To do this, you must submit updated information to the IRS. It is important to hurry to do this quickly so that the IRS does not charge a penalty.

We are ready to help you make changes.

Please note: Filing incorrect information, including reporting zero income, can have negative consequences. It may affect tax refunds, subsidies and other government payments.

Moreover, in certain cases, the tax service may require the return of previously received payments.

We strongly recommend that you declare the most accurate data to avoid unexpected consequences and preserve your rights.

Do you have an open business, but do not have an accounting subscription to our company?
Order a free call from a manager using the link: https://blitz.nalog.nl/services/Online-meeting-with-a-manager-for-acquiring-accounting-services?specialist=client-manager 

Are you a business in the Netherlands, registered with the Chamber of Commerce, and are you our client? Contact your manager directly or write to info@nalog.nl

We offer excellent discounts for entrepreneurs with a subscription!

Publication date: 15.01.2025/XNUMX/XNUMX



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