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The authorities once again extend a helping hand to entrepreneurs in connection with the corona

Last year, we wrote that from October 1, the authorities are canceling such compensations for entrepreneurs as NOW, TVL and TOZO. But...

Last year we wrotethat from October 1, the authorities will cancel such compensations for entrepreneurs as NOW, TVL and TOZO. But the same government introduced a new lockdown, in which not all businesses can fully earn. Therefore, the previously announced cancellation of assistance is currently irrelevant - only TOZO is closed.

Our reference:

  1. NOW (Noodmaatregel Overbrugging Werkgelegenheid) - compensation for employers' costs of hired personnel and social security contributions.
  2. TVL (Tegemoetkoming Vaste Lasten) - compensation for the fixed costs of entrepreneurs: rent, maintenance and service.
  3. TOZO (Tijdelijke Overbrugging voor Zelfstandigen) - allowances and loans to individual entrepreneurs left without a source of income.


The maximum loss of turnover at which employers can receive an allowance for payroll costs under NOW has increased to 90%. This means that the subsidy for the fourth quarter of 2021 and the first quarter of 2022 is based on a maximum turnover loss of 90%.

Attention! For November and December compensation can be requested at UWV until January 31.


If in the 4th quarter of 2021 the turnover loss was at least 20% (previous time it was 30%), you are eligible to apply for the TVL subsidy.

Attention! Applications for compensation for the last quarter of last year are accepted in UWV Only until January 28th!

The amount of the TVL subsidy in the 4th quarter of 2021 still depends on the loss of turnover by the entrepreneur and the percentage of fixed costs (at least 1500 euros per quarter) associated with his sector. The maximum subsidy amount is 550 euros for MKB (small and medium-sized businesses) and 000 euros for large companies. Entrepreneurs who have not previously applied for TVL or were not eligible can also apply.


TOZO, as already mentioned above, collapses. You won't get any more loans or benefits under this program.

It was assumed that entrepreneurs should start paying off loans taken under TOZO from January 1, 2022. But the tightening of the corona measures makes this task too difficult, and therefore the mandatory repayment period begins in six months, that is, from July 1, 2022.

This deferral applies to all TOZO loans, regardless of the time of disbursement. In addition, the term for all TOZO loans will be extended by one year, from 5 to 6 years. Interest for the months from January 2022 to June 2022 inclusive is not accrued.

Our experts help to process claims for compensation. Write to us, if you need this service, in the chat on the website, social networks or on info@addiction.nl.

Publication Date: 21.01.2022


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