Are you receiving all the benefits you are entitled to?
19.06.2024The Netherlands strives to support families with children and low-income residents. Benefits can significantly simplify the lives of these categories of residents. Are you sure you are getting everything you are entitled to? Check the conditions for receiving benefits in this article!
The most common types of benefits awarded in the Netherlands are:
- Kinderbijslag - child benefit,
- Kinderopvangtoeslag - reimbursement of costs for kindergarten and BSO,
- Kindgebonden budget - assistance in supporting children,
- Zorgtoeslag - subsidy for health insurance,
- Huurtoeslag is a rental subsidy.
Conditions for receiving benefits.
Kinderbijslag - child allowance
Kinderbijslag is a child benefit: it is due to any child under 18 years of age legally residing in the Netherlands. Please note: a child may be deprived of benefits if he dropped out of school at the age of 16-18.
If the child's parents are under temporary protection, then at least one of them must be officially employed to request Kinderbijslag. Otherwise, we will not be able to request child support.
When are payments made?
This benefit is paid on the first day, once a quarter. Payments will begin on the first day of the quarter following the quarter in which your child was born (or registered). That is, if you arrived, for example, on February 1, payments will begin on April 20. And payments will stop in the quarter when your child turns 1 years old.
The benefit is paid by the Social Insurance Service (sociale verzekeringsbank - SVB). Kinderbijslag is usually requested by the municipality (gemeente) when registering a child. If he was born in the Netherlands, this happens automatically, but if you come with a child, it may turn out that the municipality will miss this, and then you will have to worry about assigning benefits yourself.
Without registration of Kinderbijslag it is impossible to request other subsidies for a child!
Kinderopvangtoeslag - Kindergarten and BSO reimbursement
Kinderopvangtoeslag is a partial reimbursement subsidy for kindergarten and out-of-school care during school weeks (Buitenschoolse opvang tijdens schoolweken - BSO). BSO are extended day groups for schoolchildren from 4 to 12 years old.
Conditions for receiving a subsidy:
- Both parents work, are undergoing an integration course or are participating in an employment program;
- The child attends a childcare facility registered with the National Childcare Register (Landelijk Register Kinderopvang - LRK);
- The parent applying and the child are registered in the municipality at the same address and actually live there;
- The parent is willing to personally pay part of the cost of attending kindergarten or BSO - the benefit does not fully cover the cost of child care;
- Payment for child care services is made from the parent’s personal account.
If something changes for you (residence address, conditions for visiting a child care facility, income, family situation, etc.), you will need to promptly report these changes to the tax office.
Kindgebonden budget - child support
Kindergebondenbudget is a benefit for those who do not earn enough, assistance in supporting children under 18 years of age.
Conditions for receiving:
- You have a child (or children) under the age of 18;
- Do you already have a subsidy? child benefits;.
- You are officially employed;
- Your assets as of January 1, 2024 do not exceed EUR 140; if you have a benefit partner, the total value of your assets must not exceed €213;
- If persons over 18 years of age are registered with you, they are automatically considered your subsidy partners. In this case, you need to order a “family” subsidy.
Zorgtoeslag - health insurance subsidy
Every resident of the Netherlands is required to pay for health insurance, but you can “customize” your insurance yourself by including what you need and excluding what you don’t think is necessary. For people with low incomes, there is a subsidy to pay for insurance. The amount depends on your income and whether you receive carer's benefit or not.
Conditions for receiving a subsidy:
- You are over 18 years of age;
- You have valid Dutch health insurance;
- Your annual income in 2024 does not exceed 37 euros for one person or 496 euros for two if there is a partner;
- You and your partner (toeslagpartner) have Dutch citizenship, EU citizenship or a valid residence permit;
- Your joint savings and savings (for 2024) do not exceed 140 euros for one person or 213 euros for two (if there is a partner).
- Students are not eligible for this subsidy, since their insurance is already inexpensive,
- Your subsidy will be stopped if the insurance is not paid, so it is very important to pay it on time.
Huurtoeslag - rental subsidy
Conditions for receiving a subsidy:
- Your age is 18 years or older;
- You and anyone living with you have Dutch citizenship or a valid residence permit; everyone who is registered at this address in gemeente is taken into account, regardless of what kind of family ties you are in;
- You rent an independent living space (separate entrance and bathroom);
- Do you have a signed lease agreement?
- You pay the rent yourself and can confirm this with bank statements;
- Your annual income is low - the tax office will do the calculation;
- Your savings in 2024 are no more than 36 euros for one person, partners can have a maximum of 952 euros for two;
- Your rent is not too high: the rental price in 2024 should be around 879,66 euros per month;
- If all occupants are under 23 years of age, the rent cannot exceed €454,47 per month, unless you have a child living with you.
If you find that you are entitled to a benefit, but you are not receiving it, do not hesitate - order it using the link provided in the appropriate section!